
Privacy Policy

So, I guess I have to have this for legal purposes.

Anyway, I don't collect your data. I don't even have a newsletter, yo.

Blogger may - something or other to do with cookies and commenting and whatnot, but I don't. Blogger put a privacy notice on this blog. Read it if you're paranoid.

If you want me to delete something - a comment you made six years ago on a Vikings post - sure, hit me up and I'll do it.

1 comment:

  1. I have just finished reading "The End Of All Things" Books 1-3. I was SO mad at you for writing the part where Justin dies! I cried throughout the whole last 2 chapters. Whew - but he lived! I have to tell you that this has to be one of the best books I've ever read. Thank you for a wonderful read!


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