"Ghostwriter" Review"

Italianbrat wrote a lovely review of Ghostwriter on her blog.

Right off I must say this book is oh so good! I guarantee you’ll love it!
Lissa opened the book with us getting to know Sara. College graduate, aspiring journalist, struggling writer, broke, bitchy mother, and jack ass ex boyfriend pretty much summed up Sara. Lissa did a wonderful job not telling us who Sara was but showing us. I was completely intrigued from the get go and found Sara to be relatable and real.
Approximately 37 pages in and the story changed a bit. It seemed her luck changed and it was looking up.
Then honestly I felt like I was reading a thriller and it was hair raising. I was literally scared for a few pages. It was amazing how she could bring that fear on to the pages with her wonderful use of words.
Then it turned into an amazing love story… and not the one you might think of that is played during the horror. I don’t want to give spoilers, but when you read it you’ll know what I mean.
It was far from unpredictable. So many times I was left thinking how it was going to work. Quickly we’re on board with the love interests, but doubt was always niggling in the back of mind… I wondered how Lissa could pull off falling in love with a ghost.
Ah, but leave it to this wonderful author to make it all work. Then I thought… okay it worked so it should be over, right? Even though I never wanted it to end, I just figured it would have. Well, she resolved all of the issues beautifully and still surprised me with the MOST romantic ending.
I have to say that I spoke mostly about Sara, but when you meet Seth you WILL fall in love. That man was the most romantic man ever!! Honestly! He was old fashioned, tortured, sweet, generous beyond deserving, and probably the most luscious man ever.
Oh and wait until you meet Houdini!! :D
The side characters were great and well built. I found myself wanting to see them more often sometimes, and others not at all. Sara’s instinct to protect Seth was so fierce and amazing!
Lissa wrote a wonderful, intriguing story!
~NOTE:   Copy of this book is provided by The Writers Coffee Shop. Thank you. I’m not paid for writing a review -I do it because when I read a book I just love, I feel the need to share it.

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